New Dimensions Coaching

Meet Karen Miller

Explore Your Possibilities

Karen Miller is the Founder of New Dimensions Coaching delivering life and career transition coaching to people who are facing the challenges of life's changes. Prior to founding New Dimensions Coaching, Karen spent more than 30 years in the corporate arena where she coached and mentored many up and coming leaders.

Karen's personal philosophy has always been to learn from the past and then focus on the future. When faced with her own career change in 2006, she did some soul searching, hired a career coach, and networked to explore possibilities. After experiencing the coaching process first hand, she made the decision to pursue her certification as a Life and Career Coach with the Life Purpose Institute to help others navigate the changes in their own lives and careers. Karen has happily made empowering others' success her life's work, and she especially enjoys working with people who are looking to explore new career possibilities. Because she has experienced first-hand the challenges of embracing change, Karen understands the fears and concerns a "transitioner" faces and she has the tools to help them navigate over and around those obstacles on their road to success.

Karen is the consummate "Rainbow Person" who has combined a career as a coach with her passion for teaching Adult GED Classes and making fabulous angel pins. She has been a guest on Mansfield Cable's Process for Profit where she was interviewed by Dr. Erna Harris on the subject of "Transitioning to a New Job in a Tough Economy." She has also recently written a series on "The Five Stages of Grief and Job Loss".

Karen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Drexel University and a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Villanova University. A native of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, she currently resides in Mansfield, Massachusetts with her husband of 28 years, their two wonderful children and their collie Timmy. When she's not following her dual career track, Karen enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, cross-stitching, and knitting. She's also learning to golf!

Helping people become the best they can be is where Karen finds her real joy. She will inspire you to improve your outlook, change your thoughts, and find happiness and fulfillment in your life and career. She has found the life and the work she loves and YOU CAN, TOO!

If this sounds like something you've been searching for, please contact Karen for a free one hour coaching consultation!